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Who needs a Fire Risk Assessment?

All business premises and every block of flats must have a Fire Risk Assessment by law.

Unfortunately, Fire Risk Assessments are often overlooked, which can lead to buildings being exposed unnecessarily to fire risk, sometimes with the potential for loss of life.

If your business falls into any of the categories listed below, you will require a Fire Risk Assessment.

  • An employer or self-employed with business premises 

  • A Landlord responsible for business premises

  • A Landlord of a house of multiple occupancy (HMO)

  • Premises providing accommodation for paying guests

  • Premises open to the public and consumers

  • Charities, Churches, and voluntary organisations

  • Educational building, nurseries, schools, colleges

  • Medical facilities and care homes

  • Contractors responsible for all or parts of buildings

  • Residential property with communal or shared area

This list is not definitive/exhaustive, therefore if you are unsure if you require a Fire Risk Assessment, please contact us for help/advice or your local fire/council authority, will also be able to advise. 

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